8 Northern Road
Presque Isle, ME 04769
Telephone: 207-764-1792
Fax: 207-769-7409
Monday and Wednesday 8:00 AM-4:00 PM ET
Tuesday and Thursday 8:00 AM -6:00 PM ET
Friday 8:00AM-Noon ET
Closed all Federal and Tribal Holidays
To unite with Tribal Members to elevate the health status of the Mi'kmaq Nation to the highest level. This will be accomplished by educating and providing services that encourage and promote responsibility for personal, family, and tribal wellness.
Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care, Inc. (AAAHC) since December 2009.
Medical Care
· Preventative Health Exams
· Behavioral Health
· Substance Use & Addiction Disorders
· Specialized Services
· Community Health
· Alternate Resources
· Purchased Referred Care
Due to the loss of beloved community members recently, the Mi'kmaq Service Unit would like to reach out to any struggling family, friends, or anyone impacted by these tragedies. Contact the Mi'kmaq Clinic at 207-764-1792. Click title above for more information
Testing is Confidential
Determination of eligibility for services, through the Mi'kmaq Nation Health Department, in conjunction with the Indian Health Services (IHS), Nashville Area Office (NAO), is based on program conformity with the 42 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 36.23.
In general, guidelines** listed below govern the extent that all Mi'kmaq Health Program financial resources permit, as well as their provisions:
1. Contract Health will act as a resource when all other Alternate Resources have been exhausted or when services are not reasonably accessible or available. This is in accordance with Section 36.12 in the 42 CFR.
2. Residency must be within the designated "service area" for no less than 30 days. Tribal Resolution has determined that the designated "service area" will be that of the AROOSTOOK COUNTY area.
3. Individual does reside in the United States and on a reservation within the designated "service area".
4. Individual does reside in the United States, but DOES NOT reside on a reservation, and is a registered member of a Tribe located within the designated "service area".
5. Students otherwise eligible during their FULL TIME ATTENDANCE and 180 days after the completion of their studies.
6. Transients/Migratory workers: persons who are otherwise eligible, and who travel, or are temporarily employed, such as seasonal, transients, and/or migratory workers.
7. Non-Native spouses of registered/eligible Tribal members who are pregnant with an Indian child.
8. Stepchildren and adopted children of a federally registered Tribal member who are under the age of eighteen.
9. Foster Children: Indian children who are placed in foster care outside the designated "service area" by court order, and who are eligible at the time of the court's disposition, will continue to be eligible to receive services through the Micmac Health Department while continuing in foster care.
10. Others: any persons who leave the designated "service area", and have been determined eligible for services by contracted health program criteria, and are neither student and or transient, will continue to be eligible for services for a period of 180 days from the date of their departure.
11. Eligible Native American Indians are from a Federally Recognized U.S. Tribe, who reside in Aroostook County.
**Guidelines for eligibility requirement may vary within each program.
Transportation services are provided to those residing in the Aroostook Band of Micmac Indians service area.
Transportation is provided for: